NOTE: This site is archived content and is, for the most part, no longer being actively updated. Information on a permanent new home for JMLUnitNG will be available soon; the most recent version released before this site was archived will continue to be available here.

Funding (in reverse chronological order)

  • “Travel to Third JML Spec-a-thon”, US$2,438. Chancellor’s Fund for Travel Support, University of Washington Tacoma. 2010.
  • “ToI: A Theory of Interestingness and its Applications”, US$462,807, Co-PI with PI Joseph R. Kiniry. European Office of Aerospace Research and Development. Not funded.
  • “ToI: A Theory of Interestingness and its Applications”, US$381,554, PI with Co-PI Joseph R. Kiniry. U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Not funded.
  • “Specification and Verification of Java Programs with JML, ESC/Java2, and CVC3”, $4,738, Daniel M. Zimmerman and Yogi Patel. Chancellor’s Fund, University of Washington, Tacoma, 2008. Funded, for student salary and organization of a “JML Spec-A-Thon” event in 2009.
  • “JML Reloaded”, €5,000, Daniel M. Zimmerman and Joseph R. Kiniry. Formal Methods Europe Small Projects, 2007. Funded, for organization of “JML Spec-A-Thon” events in 2008, 2009, and 2010.

Funding Awarded to Date: $7,176 + €5,000