NOTE: This site is archived content and is, for the most part, no longer being actively updated. Information on a permanent new home for JMLUnitNG will be available soon; the most recent version released before this site was archived will continue to be available here.

email: dmz at acm dot org

The Applied Formal Methods group at the Institute of Technology, University of Washington Tacoma, led by Dr. Daniel M. Zimmerman, performs basic research and tool development related to the application of formal methods to the software development process. Our primary implementation platform is Sun MicrosystemsJava, and we work closely with other researchers and industry practitioners involved in the Java Modeling Language (JML) development effort, particularly the KindSoftware group at University College Dublin.

Our most recent tool release is JMLUnitNG.

Information about group members, publications, funding, software, and activities (including the JML Spec-a-thons) is available on dedicated pages. See also our site about work on verified gaming,